A Descriptive Study to Identify the Factors Associated with Caesarean Section and Problems of the Mothers after Caesarean Section Admitted in Selected Hospitals, Bangalore


  • Divya, Mohan. K


Caesarean section, Mothers.


Pregnancy is a transformative time for women as they prepare for motherhood. Caesarean section (C.S.) is a crucial, lifesaving procedure used when there are complications during labor or delivery. Its prevalence is rising globally, including in developing countries. Factors influencing the decision for a C.S. include maternal age, physician preference, medical indications, and economic status. However, C.S. is linked to higher rates of severe maternal morbidity, such as sepsis, thromboembolic events, anesthetic complications, and increased hospital readmissions.




How to Cite

Divya, Mohan. K. (2024). A Descriptive Study to Identify the Factors Associated with Caesarean Section and Problems of the Mothers after Caesarean Section Admitted in Selected Hospitals, Bangalore. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Innovation and Research Methodology, ISSN: 2960-2068, 3(2), 271–276. Retrieved from https://ijmirm.com/index.php/ijmirm/article/view/109