Merits and Effectiveness of Digital Marketing


  • Xu Huang Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Tianjin University of Commerce, China


Even before the advent of the Internet, there were multitudes of different ways to advertise a product or service. These included telemarketing and pamphlet distribution, as well as radio, television, newspapers, and magazines. In most cases, the objective was to communicate a corporate name and/or product name, a statement, or some other information to the greatest number of individuals feasible at the lowest cost possible.


Even before the advent of the Internet, there were multitudes of different ways to advertise a product or service.
These included telemarketing and pamphlet distribution, as well as radio, television, newspapers, and magazines.
In most cases, the objective was to communicate a corporate name and/or product name, a statement, or some
other information to the greatest number of individuals feasible at the lowest cost possible.




How to Cite

Xu Huang. (2023). Merits and Effectiveness of Digital Marketing. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Innovation and Research Methodology, ISSN: 2960-2068, 2(1), 30–38. Retrieved from