"Determinants of Climate Change Disclosure: Analyzing Evidence from Listed Companies using AI and ML Techniques"


  • Dr. Ashish Yadav


Greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, climate change disclosure; legitimacy theory, agency theory


Environmental pollution and climate change in Vietnam are now becoming a major concern. This situation is increasing the pressure on companies to improve climate change disclosure to meet the requirements of stakeholders. The aim of this study examines some common determinants of climate change disclosure of 120 listed companies on Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange. The attributes of the company and its board of directors such as firm size, operating time, profitability, board size, independence and gender of the board of directors were selected as independent variables and their effects on climate change disclosure levels were empirically examined. The study uses content analysis to build disclosure indicators for the companies using climate change disclosures made on the companies’ sustainability and annual reports. Research results show that only firm size and the independence of the board have positive relationship with climate change disclosure. Operating time, profitability, board size, gender of board members have failed to exhibit any significant influence on climate change disclosure of listed firms.




How to Cite

Dr. Ashish Yadav. (2024). "Determinants of Climate Change Disclosure: Analyzing Evidence from Listed Companies using AI and ML Techniques". International Journal of Multidisciplinary Innovation and Research Methodology, ISSN: 2960-2068, 3(3), 148–163. Retrieved from https://ijmirm.com/index.php/ijmirm/article/view/123