Linux OS Versus Windows OS Security


  • Abdullah Suliman Alassaf (SAUDI ARABIA) Cybersecurity and Networks Trainer, at HAFR Albatin Technical College, TVTC, Saudi Arabia


Security, data, information, confidentiality, ransomware, attacks, malware, privacy, attackers, malicious, operating system, Linux OS, Windows OS, Virtualization, defender, Bitlocker, Encryption, digital, Discretionary Access Control, Unix.


Security in computer systems is one of the essential factors that is considered by different users. Data and information security is critical to the users of computer systems because they need to maintain privacy and confidentiality. There are different researchers who have come up with evidence about the way these operating systems respond to various threats regarding how they protect the computer system. Some use ransomware, and other malware that is meant to give them access to systems so that they can get the information they need to launch attacks. Many companies have suffered the attacks and high levels of damage experienced. This essay will analyze the security features of the Windows OS and Linux OS’ security, and develop insights on which operating system has the best security features. The study concludes that privacy is an essential factor that should be considered by the organizations. Attackers tend to search for information that they can use for their malicious purposes and that makes it necessary for the system security to be taken with a lot of seriousness.




How to Cite

Abdullah Suliman Alassaf (SAUDI ARABIA). (2023). Linux OS Versus Windows OS Security. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Innovation and Research Methodology, ISSN: 2960-2068, 2(3), 1–7. Retrieved from