Relationship Marketing for B2b Success in the Rubber Sector


  • Ashish Babubhai Sakariya


Relationship marketing is investigated as a success strategy in B2B business specifically targeting the rubber sector. It defines critical success factors like trust, communication and mutual value creation while acknowledging that some of the problems differ within the context of the sector. Concisely, the analyzed literature review and discussion of the elements of trust, a role of technology, and customer retention underlines a call for ethical and sustainable development of the relationships. This paper will attempt to demonstrate that the integration of both offline and online marketing methods aims at improving customer loyalty and firm’s competitiveness. New trends such as artificial intelligence transform the nature of business to business relationships by availing newer means of supporting growth in the ever evolving rubber business.




How to Cite

Ashish Babubhai Sakariya. (2024). Relationship Marketing for B2b Success in the Rubber Sector. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Innovation and Research Methodology, ISSN: 2960-2068, 3(2), 297–306. Retrieved from