Role of Mahanarayanataila Katibasti in the Management of Katigraha - A Single Case Study
Vatadosha, Katishool, Katu-ras, Sthaniksnehan, Swedan, Mahanarayana Taila katibasti, Case study.Abstract
In order to achieve that man has to adopt constantly busy and fast lifestyle, which has its own sequence like over duties, physical stress etc. There are supplemented by unnatural food habits, in terms of irregular timing, etc with more physical stress disturbed eating timing. All have led to increase ‘vatadosha’. Katu-ras shows predominance of tej and vayumahabhut. It shows qualities like hot, dry, and light nature. It pacifies kapha but it aggravates pitta and vata as mentioned in Ayurveda. In Ayurveda various treatments are given for vatavyadhi. Treatment like snehan, swedan, shaman, shodhanchikitsa like basti are explained by Acharya Charaka. Low back ache (Katishool) in Indian population has been found to vary between 6.2% (in general population) to 92% (in construction workers). Katibasti with mahanarayantaila is treatment modality used to treat vatapradhan diseases especially with pain. Kati Basti is a modified form of Snehana (oleation), Swedana (sudation) and Abhyanga (massage) therapy, reports a study.
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