Victim Participation in International Criminal Proceedings


  • Kundan Kumar


Victim participation, criminal proceedings, International Criminal Court (ICC), War crimes.


International criminal proceedings play a pivotal role in addressing heinous crimes that transcend national boundaries, such as genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Traditionally, these proceedings have focused on the prosecution of individuals responsible for these offenses. However, an evolving paradigm seeks to incorporate the voices and perspectives of victims directly into the proceedings. This abstract explores the concept of victim participation in international criminal proceedings, highlighting its significance, challenges, and potential benefits. Victim participation is rooted in the recognition of victims as stakeholders with a legitimate interest in the pursuit of justice. The International Criminal Court (ICC) and other international tribunals have increasingly embraced this paradigm shift, allowing victims to actively engage in various stages of the legal process. This involvement ranges from providing testimony as witnesses to presenting victim impact statements and participating in reparations discussions. While victim participation is a crucial step towards a more inclusive and victim-centric justice system, it is not without its challenges. Striking a balance between the rights of the accused and the participation of victims poses complexities. Concerns related to witness protection, potential bias, and the impact on the impartiality of the proceedings need to be carefully addressed. Moreover, diverse cultural, linguistic, and socio- economic backgrounds of victims further complicate the implementation of effective participation mechanisms. Ensuring that victim voices are heard equally and fairly, regardless of these differences, is a critical aspect that requires ongoing attention.




How to Cite

Kundan Kumar. (2024). Victim Participation in International Criminal Proceedings. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Innovation and Research Methodology, ISSN: 2960-2068, 3(1), 42–47. Retrieved from