"Encrypted AI in Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Response"


  • E R Durand


Encrypted AI, Humanitarian aid, Disaster response, Privacy-preserving technologies, Decision-making


In recent years, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and encryption technologies have paved the way for innovative applications in humanitarian aid and disaster response efforts. This paper explores the intersection of these two fields, focusing on the integration of encrypted AI systems to enhance the efficiency, security, and privacy of humanitarian operations. By leveraging encrypted AI, organizations can process sensitive data while preserving confidentiality, thus facilitating more effective decision-making in crisis situations. This abstract highlights key considerations and benefits of deploying encrypted AI in humanitarian contexts, emphasizing its potential to transform disaster response strategies and improve outcomes for affected populations.




How to Cite

E R Durand. (2024). "Encrypted AI in Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Response". International Journal of Multidisciplinary Innovation and Research Methodology, ISSN: 2960-2068, 3(2), 120–126. Retrieved from https://ijmirm.com/index.php/ijmirm/article/view/91